7 tips for new Muay Thai Coaches
Your student journey is just beginning
Your journey as a student doesn’t end when you start coaching, it takes off on a rocket ship! You will be forced to examine everything you do as a practitioner to be a good coach.
Imposter syndrome is a very real thing
You will doubt your knowledge and abilities, but your head coach would not give you the opportunity if they did not believe in you. Be coach-able, believe in yourself and try your best.
You only plateau if you stop putting in work
If you are a coach, you have an obligation to keep learning so that you can pass this knowledge down to your students. Stay hungry for more.
You represent your gym in everything you do
You have an obligation to carry yourself professionally on social media and in real life. How you treat others reflects directly on your gym. Set a good example.
Put your students safety and wellbeing 1st
Learn about concussion protocols and be able to spot the symptoms, stop harassment in its many forms, have processes in place to report it and make sure coaches are putting the students’ growth and safety first.
You won't have all the answers, and that is okay
Students will ask questions you may not have the answer to, it is okay to get the answer from your coach. It is not okay to make something up. It is important to remain humble and honest especially in a coaching role.
Focus on the basics
A beginner student will be ready for intermediate classes when they can control their strikes and have shown sound technique. Keep things simple and focus on the fundamentals.