5 fundamentals beginners should focus on to get better fast in Muay Thai
Focus on technique first, not power
Beginners often want to throw hard to prove to themselves that they are doing the work, but they should focus first on understanding the technique. Power will come.
Don't reach to close the distance, use footwork
When we reach to strike an opponent instead of using our footwork we end up leaning and offsetting our balance. This can make it harder to defend and make us more susceptible to knockdowns and sweeps.
Return your hands back to your head at the same speed you send them out
All it takes is a few times with a good padholder to remind us that we can’t leave our hands out after strikes or we will eat return shots. Be quick, back to the head to defend.
When holding pads, keep your reach from getting too wide
You are simulating a head when you are holding pads. Don’t have wide outstretched arms. Keep them at a closer width and don’t jam up your partner by leaning forward into the strikes.
Extend your punches all the way out
Your jabs and crosses should be long, fully extended and snappy. Don’t bend or flare the elbow. Ensure the feet land before the strike is thrown.